
What Will Future Food Be Like?

What Will Future Food Be Like?


Dinah Jackson

Humankind took a nutritional hit at the onset of civilization. Once agriculture was established, the masses have been fed pretty much on a staple diet of bread or rice. We continue to prefer a heavy starch diet today, and a meal doesn’t seem complete without a side of pasta, bread, potato dish, or rice. And indeed, starch gives a lot of bang for the buck and for hard working peasants, slaves, and drones; it has been a surefire reliable fuel source for the human body.

But what has it given us besides a high energy boost? Unfortunately, grains tend to be very poor nutritionally (including the whole grain variety), and it is my guess that life expectancy for the average human actually decreased at the onset of civilization due to a poor diet. So where does that set put us in the future?

On the one hand, there are a growing number of people becoming aware that grains aren’t really that good for you and without plenty of exercise make you fat. In fact, most people now know that white rice, bread, and pasta don’t contain much nutritional value at all, but what a lot of people don’t know is neither do whole grain food products. Grass seed just doesn’t seem to have much to it.

When the earth was not so populated as it is now, grain agriculture was easy to sustain and whole civilizations were built upon it. This is getting harder and harder to sustain due to a complex of factors too unwieldy to outline here. Suffice it to say that the time is coming quickly when our food source will have to shift simply because we will no longer be able to sustain agriculture as we know it.

Alternative possibilities include the hardy root vegetables. While the North can supply the world with easy to cultivate nutritious sweet potatoes, among others, the tropics may be supplying us with more and more cassava and breadfruit. Taro may also play a big role on future dinner plates. We will eat more beans and far less meat. And don’t be afraid of the seaweed salads coming your way. They’re actually quite tasty.

This article was written by Dinah Jackson who enjoys writing about Pokemon and science. For the rarest Japanese Pokemon cards, check out the store that has every kind of

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