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Tag your friends in a funny way
Jessey Kents
With the advent of social networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace connecting with friends, co-workers or people who live around you have become easier than ever. Now is the time when one makes friends and keeps them forever due to these social networking sites unlike as in the past, when reconnecting was a huge matter of serendipity. You can know what your friends are doing, what is going on in their lives and be well-informed about them. A trend which has been observed in the recent past is tagging.
This application was launched by the social networking sites wherein you can tag your friends in your status or you could also tag your friend s photographs which have been uploaded by you or your friend or even by someone you don t know depending on the security measures you put on your profile. Tagging allows you to more actively mention your friends and other things you are connected to on Facebook. It also lets you direct a post at specific people. Tagging is just a means of fun where you pin point some of your friends in their pictures or in your status regarding something important or funny.
As tagging became a trend, came along a new method of tagging friends. This included tagging your friends on photos that featured different types of personality, or different smiley s or cartoons or animations etc. These applications could though be used in Facebook or MySpace but now, several sites have been launched which provide these pictures with multiple personality, or cartoon pictures etc. These sites provide several pictures to choose from and according to your friend list, you can choose the photograph by the means of which you can cover most of your friends and tag your friends. These photographs are available as Facebook tagging pictures or Facebook tag pictures. One of the excellent sites which provide these Facebook tagging pictures is http://www.friendstagger.com/ which has the options of tag your friends as personality, tag your friends as phrases, and even tag your friends as cartoon characters from the latest blockbuster movie.
Tag Your Friends on Facebook & MySpace in Pictures as Characters. Tagging Photos, Images to Tag Your Pals & My Buddies Personalities. For more details about
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