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By John Harricharan
Earth life appears to be so difficult at times for those who are there. Yet,theres no need for suffering and pain. Suffering should only teach you that you didnt really have to
suffer in the first place. Help is always available if you choose to ask for it,so ask, seek and knock. You have allies in many dimensions who are more than willing and able to help you when youre caught in a difficult situation. When you need help,ask for it. And,of course, I,too,am always there to assist you.
I interrupted God at this point.Lord, You say we should ask for help, but Ive asked many times and, yet, it seemed that there wasnt any answer. I seemed to have been worse off than before asking. Why is that so?
Its very simple indeed. Many times you ask without believing that youll get an answer. Sometimes you dont think that you deserve an answer. At other times, youre pleading and begging and talking so much that you cant hear the answer.
Then there are those times when youre like your son who has just broken his toy train. He asks you to fix it for him, but he holds on to it and wont give it to you. In fact, he even tells you how to fix it. You want a problem solved? Then dont hold on to it. Release it to me and go about your work. Let go and let God.
Do You mean its that simple? Just let go? That makes sense though. I think Ill try it, I stammered.
You always have enoughto do what has to be donemore than enough, actually, to take care of all your needs and wants. Sometimes you go through trials, but thats only to strengthen parts of you and to give you a deeper understanding. Youre never alone. I am with you always. When youre down in the arena and your face is in the dust and the crowds are booing, dont give up. When they laugh at you and ridicule you and say all manner of vile things against you,dont give up. When you feel the boot of your opponent on your neck, when you feel that life isnt worth living any longer, remember thisits not over yet. Never let go of hope. Hope keeps mighty big company with faith and love. Get a faith-lift if you must and dont abandon hope.
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About the Author: Lecturer, entrepreneur and MBA business consultant, John Harricharan is the author of the award-winning book, “When You Can Walk on Water, Take the Boat.”
Spiritual SimplicityThe Real Secret
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